Company Health Test™

360 degree view outside-in vs. inside-out

The evolving Company Health Test process has been proven over 18+ years.  The results will empower you to make powerful organizational, cultural, and strategic direction decisions immediately and reinforce them within the coming weeks and months.  Your Company is a unique multi-faceted entity like no other.  What the Company Health Test provides is a common basis for reference, discussion, planning and ongoing tracking.

alliances & acquisitions

360 degree view outside-in vs. inside-out

Change perceptions
– create a new reality

Contact us for more information on these or the programs listed below

Fast-Track Action Plan Program™ (FTAP) has been proven effective in achieving short-term revenue building results. FTAP comprises one or two creative, intensive days with selected Senior Management, reviewing organizational and market readiness. It concludes with an Action Plan covering the next six-month period, a strategic framework for the next twenty-four month period and a written summary of the findings and recommendations.

The program begins with completing the Company Health Test described below. All clients that have been through the FTAP program have found it to be of excellent value. It provides maximum return, in minimum time, at very reasonable cost. The FTAP Program is often used by Company Investors and/or Senior Management as a preparation tool to add perceived and actual value to their company in order to maximize the Roi of the Technology MatchMaker™ Program described above.

sales performance 

World-class market
positioning & messaging

Successful market entry, distribution & logistics

Growth, acquisition & distressed financing