Technology MatchMaker™

Strategic alliances & acquisitions

Technology MatchMaker™ (TMM) is a unique strategic alliance transaction program for top management and investors of companies associated with the information technology industry (including products, software and services). The intention of the Program is to attain maximum investment and/or business value for our Client companies.
We facilitate unique positioning and promote a thorough understanding of the business growth potential represented to like-minded target companies and their investors, striving for market segment leadership, product, service and technology leadership or investment in infrastructure.

Relationships sought include investment, mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures, R&D partnerships, distribution & resale agreements, OEM relationships, and other mutually beneficial alliances.

Technology MatchMaker™

Change perception – create a new reality

360 degree view outside-in vs. inside-out

Contact us for more information on these or the programs listed below

sales performance 

World-class market
positioning & messaging

Successful market entry, distribution & logistics

Growth, acquisition & distressed financing